All three personality types are present in coworking spaces, though some are more visible than others. Almost every other member describes himself or herself as mixed (ambiversive). One in every three members considers themselves to be'more extroverted, while one in every five considers themselves to be'more introverted.
Women are more likely than men to prefer one of the pole types.
The proportion of female members with extroverted personalities is nearly equal to the total number of those with mixed personalities. Men are more likely to be found in the centre. Coworking spaces, on the other hand, attract more extroverted than introverted male members.
When comparing members based on their professional status, an interesting result emerges.
With around 40% of all personality types, freelancers are roughly equally represented. Extroverts make up a higher-than-average proportion of entrepreneurs who manage employees. The significantly higher proportion of employees in the introverts category is especially noticeable. To avoid stereotyping, a significant number of introverted entrepreneurs and extroverted employees can be found in coworking spaces. In the ambiversive category, freelancers have a slightly higher share. Other groups, such as students and job seekers, are more visible in the statistics as we . Introverted members are more likely to prefer relaxed and intimate settings.
'More introverted' coworkers typically speak with three other coworkers per working day, roughly half as many as'more extroverted' coworkers. However, this figure says nothing about the contacts' quality! On average, they work in smaller coworking spaces with half the number of members as the other two personality types.
A large proportion work in coworking spaces that pride themselves on having a "hip and trendy" atmosphere. Their priority is likely to be a more relaxed and tolerant approach to office work.
In smaller coworking spaces, the proportion of members who know each other and interact with each other tends to increase. Members who are'more introverted' struggle with this. They know fewer members' first names, but not by much less than other personality types working in larger coworking spaces. During the working day, they come into contact with every twelfth* member. These figures have an impact on people's sense of community. This group has a significantly lower sense of belonging to a 'community.' Despite the fact that nearly half of those polled feel strongly to extremely strongly connected to the community of their coworking space!
'More introverted' members dislike completely isolated workspaces.
All personality types prefer a mix of open spaces and private retreats, though 'more introverted' members prefer it more. A small majority prefers to work in open spaces. In comparison to their current situation, all personality types would prefer a private office. In this case,'more introverted' members prefer a single private office to a team one. Despite the large number of employees, more introverted members mostly work alone, which they prefer.
Members who are 'more introverted' rate coworking spaces only marginally lower than the other two personality types. However, when it comes to value for money, their rating drops significantly. So, why do they work in coworking spaces in the first place?
The vast majority of introverted members chose to work in a coworking space on their own.
They are even more likely to pay for it out of pocket. The social atmosphere in a coworking space attracts members more than any other personality type! However, far fewer intend to contact (all) people. Open workrooms come in second, with proximity to home coming in third.When asked what they expect from other members, the most common response was unexpected - small talk! We did not, however, inquire about the quality of the small talk. They expect significantly less from members in all other areas, with the exception of 'sociability.' In fact, one-third of the 'more introverted' members expect nothing at all. This is where they differ from other personality types the most. Their expectations are especially low for 'quick assistance,"shared meals,' and 'event invitations.' This isn't to say they wouldn't appreciate invitations and assistance; they just don't expect it.
Above all, coworking spaces help 'more introverted' members develop their creativity and skill set. They have more productive days and get more done. Most importantly, they, like the other two types, feel less isolated now that they work in a coworking space. The majority of them have previously worked in a home office, with a higher-than-average proportion also having worked in traditional offices.